Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery
Shipping Cost
How much is the shipping cost?

We provide economical parcels, standard transportation and expedited transportation. Different countries and different weight segments have different logistics fees and transportation time. The address page in the shopping process has detailed price and shipping time instructions. We have regular or long-term free shipping activities. During the event, orders that meet the conditions of the event can enjoy the services.

For the non-free shipping items or an urgent order

In these two conditions, you should pay for the extra shipping fees. However, the costs may differ according to the following factors:

Weight and dimensions of package.

The location the package is shipped to (also called the destination country or region) .

Shipping Discounts

Warm Tip:

We offer buyers special shipping discount all the time. Besides, you can get extra rewards on Shipping when you buy multiple items or spend a certain amount.